why do we need asset ? cant just controlling incoming and outgoing money flow should be enough to have a sustainable life ?
well it depends on thinking how well you can manage the area of expertise.
if you are good enough to manage and control your incoming and outgoing money flow you can have a sustainable life for yourself as well as your family, this requires proper planning and execution as well as modifying your planning as required.
well their are less people who does this kind of planning, bcoz the environment set all around us is to build asset in physical form like land / property / gold / cash etc.
Well the biggest and most valuable asset we all have is our brain and its infinity thinking capability.
have your really thought about it ? human brain is an asset ?
Brain thinking capability - when you grow and enhance this asset the rest of things are just outcome of it health / wealth / prosperous life.
Other question arises asset are for our next generation so they can have a better life .
its important we teach our next generation how to stand and walk their dream this should be enough for them to choice and live their life as per their requirement rather passing asset .
I believe to pass asset of knowledge not physical asset in any form.