Saturday, October 1, 2022

total earning minus total expense = total saving

This simple rule is easy to read and hard to implement.

today most of people will sharply focus on total earnings as this is what our educational system and societies teaches and hardly on total saving management and placing them into right assets so it can compound.

total earning = how much is your gross earning

total expense = how much you spend ( expense which has to be done like education for family / medical expenses / living expenses and your lifestyle spending behavior)

total saving = how much you save for your family future living expenses and to maintain the same level of lifestyle in case their is turbulence in gross earnings or incase their is emergency where there is need of quick liquid funds to deal with it. 

total expense management should always be learned in early stage of life so that this habit compound with time.

today the major contribution of expense are linked with the way we approach our living management.

living management is directly linked with lifestyle spending behavior.

we all need to upgrade our living management so it gives us better experiences and time if we do it wisely it will surely bring value.

the goal should be to move living management directionally towards simplified living approach which is directly proportional to total saving.

once you achieve this or are in this direction you will observe saving automatically  gets increased.

saving management = what needs to be done with it ? 

it should be a  habit + it need to be re-invested into assets like real estate / financial instruments / learning new skills  / family future goals etc.

financial instruments is the area which is never taught in basic educational system or by societies which it should hopefully this change will come with time in a similar way as we are taught today by society to invest in real estate / gold

the way we upgrade our living management with time ( this is by default )

we also need to upgrade our investment management ( this is not by default it has to be build )

how to upgrade investment management ?

today world is open source so self learning is best way to learn it just need to invest some time to it.

If the focus is moved from total earning to total saving

investment management starts getting build with time.


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Value of networking

knowledge / skills / getting broad view whether its personal living or workspace can only compound either if the person keeps investing in this area for life long or if not then other way is to always network with people.

If you go back and analyze the structure of education system across world its design in a way so people gather in a place where knowledge is shared among group and this group of people can network with each other.

If you go back and evaluate different people's communities and societies across world its design and build in a way where people can network with each other and stay connected.

the real problem is once human move out from their educational system entering into real life experiences they forget the value of networking and hence it isolate them in the closed circle which never let their mind to open up.

An empty / lazy / closed mind can only be active and open for life long when they become part of networking which helps to learn real life experiences in a speedy way rather than with ageing.

today their are different ways to network via social meetup / bonding with frnds / family / communications with world via social networking site and many more.

another problem is lack of experimental view among people the more we do experiments automatically the networking gets build.

networking helps to keep your thinking always ahead of your age and it should never be used for personal gain else this network get destroyed with time. 

finding investment opportunity / methods / ideas in equity market it helps a lot when we value networking hence an effort should be put to be part of it also share our knowledge and experiences to the network.

in this new era where the world is moving towards remote work it will harm networking hence its important to be in a hybrid model which helps to continue build the network as well as save time which should be re-invested in other aspects of life.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Portfolio review start of H2 2022


                                Note: new / exit position was build during the period of H1 2022

Sunday, January 23, 2022

personality matters a lot in stock market investing

 what kind of personality you have and what you want out of stock market should be in sync 

if you have mismatch between the two outcome will not be same or close to what you thought it should be.

maximum amount of investors in stock market look for massive gain in a short period of time as this approach has more demand so the popularity of products of trading / derivatives / short term bets  / momentum investing is more talk.

Ideally stock market investment is not for investor personality who invest money for long duration of time frame like 5 / 10 /15/ 20 year based on foresight of teams rather forecast of earnings.

 investing based on fore sighting people's  ability / skills / core values is underrated but when you do find this people take the risk and bet them for long as they will take you on a journey which will outshine rest of the methods of investment approach and your portfolio providing you freedom of time and independence in life.

once you achieve independence then you need to learn value of time and where it needs to be invested so the growth in life keeps happening with new learning and experiments ability to take risk irrespective of fear of failure.

its very important to have courage / patience / ability to overcome fear / acknowledging mistakes / discipline / ability to burn your hands with practical experiences rather just theory to get collateral learnings.

just reading investment books / thread following on twitter / YouTube videos will not help you to build this attributes as this are spoon feeding and influence based investing methods which only work for a short duration of time. Less people use this methods as key to unlock their mind and build individual processes.

What happens when this supports are not available are you able to generate ideas / approach what to do and where to invest ?

if you cant visualize yourself where and what you want to be become in next 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 year of your life you will not be able to do this for companies you are investing and end up losing patience and exit early ( this is most ignorant factor which no one think about ) 

having a curious mind helps learning new things not just in investing but outside of it which adds a lot of skillset and its directly proportional where and how you are investing.

ability to learn how human behave in different situation will give you ability to build more refine method when investing in stock market. 

do you have the edge to do self assessment for improvements and find what mistake was done both in life and investing  ?

A person who keeps jumping at every moment and reacting on every bit of rise and fall in their portfolio will not be able to generate long term patience to hold the winners or remove looser.

A person who doesn't do experiments in various aspects of life will not able to take high risk calculated bets in investing.

A person who is dependent on others for various aspects of life will not able to generate own ideas and own thought process nor ability to visualize themselves which direction their life is moving towards and their investment portfolio

A person who live in the past will not be able to adapt to change and live in present freely their mind will not be able to take decision which is rational their decision will be influenced with past experiences good or bad.

A person who doesn't have discipline in various aspects of life will not be able maintain the discipline investment approach

A person who cant eat the same set of food every day which keeps their health of body and mind in good shape and need new taste each day will not be able to hold the winner bcoz they wont be able to visualize whether their health is good or bad  based on which set of food combination so do their health of investment portfolio which combination of companies will keep the growth of portfolio

A person who is not able to document each stage of various aspects of life will not be able to understand where / how they were in the past compare to present nor ability to know which direction their life and investment journey is moving towards.

A person who is not able to connect the dots will not be able to detect any changes happening around them which can be use to build ideas and thoughts to do investment based on it.

A person who is not able to plan their journey of life will not be able to plan their investment approach by themselves.

A person who doesn't keep hope and fight to overcome down phase in their journey of life will not be able to hold the winners when there is down phase of companies.

A person who doesn't simplify their journey of life will not be able to simplify their investment approach

A person who believe in talks and not actions will not be able to smell the actions and will be influenced with management talks

A person who doesn't know how to use their power of influence / money / thought process will get trap in their own illusion and will not able to know what is happening in their investment journey and life

A person who doesn't learn new things in journey of  life will not be able to learn new area of investment who has high probability of growth

A person who is less optimistic and more critic and conservative  will not be able to see the optimistic approach of any other person   

its important to build enhance learn each individual personality attributes to apply in investment approach

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Portfolio review start of H1 2022


                        Note: new / exit position was build during the period of H2 2021