It took me months to balance my personal life and determine where and what is going wrong, now I am back with fresh mind.
Its been long time to share personal aspects......
Got busy in balancing my health to bring it back to normal and improve it... on track now.
here is my learning experience during this phase.
Nothing works as quick fix in long run , need to think what caused the problem and then improve and apply fixture .
Use this scenario for selection of companies which is struggling to stand.
Find if the executors of the company are really making or showing any sign to find cause of problem or they are just acting to quick fix without knowing the problem.
example: parent company making loses , and suddenly some news arrives as its buying or doing a take over of some profitable company or any unit of it . Well this will cut down loses in short run of parent but will not help since this count as quick fix where you see in this scenario whether its finding cause of problem for loses of parent ?
The ban of plastics usage recently in some part of states has open doors for long run fixture on health and Environment hazards caused by it. Recycling and bio-degradable product will help here as a turn around.
I have found one of the listed firm which is making some changes to meet this requirement.
Keep your eyes / ears open to research in this area and find some value where you can bet.
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